About the 'Southeast Alaska Industrial History' Preservation Project
This web-based effort is being made in an attempt to preserve and share the rich history of the Great Alaska Timber Industry with folks everywhere.
Through the generosity of many people, and the cooperation of the Alaska Forest Association in particular, progress is being made in the long process
of scanning and copying old pictures and documents related to the industry that made Southeast Alaska great. The jobs and income provided to the communities throughout the area over so many years can hardly be measured, though we see the effects of the loss every day. Sure, the empty space
is slowly filling in with more tourist shops and other, but the year-round living-wage revenue jobs have and are still dwindling in Southeast Alaska today.
Our long-term dream is a 'Southeast Alaska Museum of History and Industry', with representation from not only timber, but aviation, construction, mining,
fishing and maritime interest as well. Without the canneries and fishing boat crews, these Southeast towns would not exist. Without the pilots and tugboat
crews, the logging camps could never have seen success. We welcome everyone equally and we want to hear your 'Alaska Working Life' story. Please
talk to your friends and family about their experiences and let them know we are interested in saving their stories for a museum in Ketchikan, Alaska.
This project takes time and we could sure use your help.
Thank You, from the 'Informal Board of Directors' :
Eric W. Cole - Juneau, Alaska
Mike Lattin - Ketchikan, Alaska
If you would like to help or have an idea, PLEASE contact us!